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Home Equity Loans & Lines of Credit

Finance major expenses such as home improvements, landscaping, college, home repair, or debt consolidation with the equity in your home.

We offer rates as low as Prime on our Home Equity Line of Credit!

Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)

If you’re doing home improvements, paying for school or other major expenses and you don’t know a fixed amount that you want to finance, a Home Equity Line of Credit may be the answer. The rate is typically less than a traditional loan and uses your house as collateral, so you can borrow more. 

Home Equity Line of Credit is a revolving source of funds, like a credit card, that you use as you need it. 

Home Equity Loans

Let the equity in your home work for you with a Route 31 Credit Union Home Equity Loan. Eliminate the pressure of paying high-rate loan and credit card payments by paying off your balance in advance with the equity in your home. A Home Equity Loan is a fixed loan amount that also uses the equity in your home as collateral.

Whether you are financing major expenses such as home improvements, college, investments, or just paying off other loans…a Route 31 Credit Union Home Equity Loan is a smart way to take advantage of the equity in your home. Equity is the difference between the value of your home and the mortgage balance. The more you have paid off on your mortgage, the more equity you have to borrow from.

NMLS# 472323

Checklist of What You Need

  • Proof of Income (2 recent paystubs dated within 30 days)
  • Social Security Award Letter or Bank Statement
  • Pension Award Letter or Bank Statement
  • 2021 W2’s & 2021 Signed Tax Returns (2 years tax returns if self-employed)
  • Recent Mortgage Statement
  • Homeowners Insurance Declaration Page
  • Appraisal Fee Authorization Signed & Payment
  • Copies of Payoffs (mortgages, credit cards, loans, etc.)

National Mortgage Licensing System
Route 31 Credit Union Lending Team​

John Rupert806632
Gina Schillaci740585
Emily Sullivan465233
Jennifer Gil2137334